Autor: George Gibson
Data publicarii: 2003
Genuri: Limba Engleză
Descrierea cărții «The Legend of Johnny Appleseed» de George Gibson
Johnny Appleseed was born near Boston in 1775. His real name was John Chapman. When he was a child he played in the forest and in the fields. His best friends were animals. He loved all animals. He played with them and talked to them! His family was very religious Johnny’s first book was the Bible, but he also liked Aesop’s Fables. Johnny loved the tales about animals and their adventures. When Johnny was a teenager he worked as a missionary with the Indians. He converted many Indians to Christianity. He taught them about the Bible. The Indians were his friends. When he was 26 years old he had a vision. An angel appeared to him! The angel said, „Go and plant apple seeds across America. The settlers of the new frontier want good apples to eat.” Johnny was surprised but he was happy. He was a kind person and he wanted to help others. He took a big sack and filled it with apple seeds. He carried this sack on his back. In one hand he carried the Bible, Aesop’s Fables and other religious books. Now he was ready to cross the continent and plant America’s favourite fruit: the apple. Johnny was an unusual man. He was tall and thin. He had long hair and a beard. He never bought new clothes. He wore an old coffee sack and the old clothes people gave him. He didn’t usually wear any shoes. He wore a saucepan on his head
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